Millionaire Lawyer Goes Thailand [Dr. Tony Huge – VIDEO INSIDE]

If you enjoy going to Thailand, then I don’t think today’s video is relevant for you.

You are past the point of no return already.

Really, this video is for the naysayers. Those who say Thailand is the Plan B for anyone who has failed in life.

  • You only go to Thailand because you don’t have money.
  • You use Thailand as a cop-out because you can’t get women at home.
  • There’s something fundamentally wrong with you if you ‘need’ to go to Thailand.

Me refuting those arguments isn’t gonna do much.

Instead, I decided to bring on someone who seems to have all options available to him – yet still chooses Asia and specifically Thailand over any Western country.

A guy, who decides to engage with working girls even thought he could easily get girls for free – or at least attract them through other means such as displaying wealth.

I asked him, if he was willing to share his perspective in regards to Thai women, traveling and alternative relationships.

This is what he said:

So without further ado, here’s the man.

That’s Dr. Tony Huge (Enhanced Athlete) – widely known in the bodybuilding and fitness niche, I think he has some interesting perspectives to share – specifically because he isn’t the typical guy that critics refer to when talking about Thailand.

Secondly, I personally know a lot of guys who want to go to Thailand, but they can’t. They can’t because they don’t want to be one of ‘those’ guys who go to Thailand.

By ‘those guys’ I mean the stereotypical Thailand tourist portrayed by mainstream media.

So maybe when those guys see someone like Tony, or even Dan Bilzerian go to Thailand – that alone starts to erode their preconceived notions about Thailand and maybe in their mind, an ‘No, absolutely not.’ turns into a, ‘Yeah, maybe I’ll try. Why not.’

Like I said in many of my previous videos, this is important. You might think what’s the big deal, it’s just a Thailand trip. No biggie.

Anyone who’s been here will tell you that specifically that very first trip can have a ripple effect and change your entire perspective and mindset – about life and women.

So, really my goal is to push as many guys as possible to take that first trip. That’s it. I am not telling you to ever go back. Just take that first trip and see how you feel afterwards.

Look around.

How many men are quasi-slaves?

They either feel so deprived that they’re willing to do whatever to get a girl that is so far below what they ACTUALLY want.

OR they feel a strong sense of scarcity, ‘If I lose this one, I might not find another one. I better sign a lifetime contract with her.’

2 Weeks in Thailand and you can’t even related to that type of thinking anymore.

So, let’s get started.

Dr. Tony Huge Interview

Below the video, you find all questions + their respective video timestamp. – I do however recommend you watch the entire video 😉

1.) A common criticism is that paying for it – whatever ‘it‘ entails – is only for losers and doesn’t ‘feel’ like the real deal.

I always respond by saying that you pay either way – time, money or both.

The girl that wants dinner then hooks up with you is no different then the girl that asks for 1,000 Baht for doing the same. What are your thoughts?


2.) Talking about paying for girls. How would you say has this impacted your life in regards to let’s say productivity, quality of life – compared to having a ‘normal’ girlfriend? How would you say that the experience is different?


3.) If you could go back in time, would you have started traveling to Asia (possibly to have these types of relationship arrangements) sooner?

4.) What was your worst experience with a Thai girl freelancer/bar girl? Any newbie mistakes you can think of? Overpaid or mistakenly took home a ladyboy?


5.) In my videos, I talk about the concept of a holiday girlfriend. Specifically, having a Thai working girl stay or travel with you.

I also mention that depending on your lifestyle, the girl might not even ask for any payment.

In your videos, we have seen a number of different girls from different countries (Lisa from Pattaya, Sky and your current girlfriend from the Philippines). From what I could tell most of these girls you met in bars?


6.) Generally-speaking, what is the arrangement with these girls? Are they okay with enjoying the perks of your lifestyle or do you offer additional payment or some sort of allowance?


7.) What happens when you are not with them? Do they go back to their previous jobs (bar) or do you continue to support them financially?


More questions (business, lifestyle, enhancement, steroids) were part of the original interview, but we decided to make this first video exclusively about Thailand, Asia and Asian women.

Uncut Footage

The gogo bar you see at the very beginning is Crazy Horse at Bangla Road in Phuket. I have previously written about Phuket – if you want to enjoy Thai girls, nightlife but are also into fitness/bodybuilding, then you’re at the right place.

You have Bangla Road for nightlife, many island and beaches close by (if you want it more quiet), 2 solid gyms (Phuket Gym Patong, Maximum Fitness Phuket)

… and best of all, if you come at the right time, you’re paying less than $10 per night for your hotel room!

Plus, everything I have mentioned is within walking distance!